Blood Soaked Earth
The Mark Of Weeble


The Mark Of Weeble
Tournament Rules
PK Tournament Calendar
Odds and Ends

Impale yer hand upon my horn....

The Mark of Weeble

We all looked at one another with trepidation. No one wanting to be the first to step up to the hulking beast. Finally I slowly walked towards him as the rest of my party looked on. As I drew closer he bent on one knee and lowered his head to me. His horns were chipped and scarred but very sharp and there was a reddish substance on them that I dare say was not shaman paint.
I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and placed my hand upon his horn. With a quick flick of his head, the horn pierced my palm and I gave a short cry. The pain was fierce and I grasped my hand at the wrist looking at my palm. Upon it was a mark of a crude "W". I was paying so much attention to my wound that I did not at first notice that Weeble's eyes were rolling to the back of his head and had started to make strange and wet choking sounds. A disembodied voice rose from his throat and started to recite all the professions I had chosen throughout my career as an adventurer as well as vital information that I had held secret for so long. Weeble, shook his head and stood up and in his booming voice shouted so loud I am sure his voice could be heard over the inane yells of Sigil far away "Welcome Aorta Bleeds, a Dwarf to the Battle Tournament"
One by one all those in my party walked up to Weeble and received his mark while the blood spoke to Weeble about their races and professions. This Minotaur truly did understand blood better than words.
To join the Player Killing tournament, I will need some information from you. Please fill in the form below COMPLETELY. Incomplete forms will not be considered. Also, make sure you type in an email addy in case I need to get a hold of you. The email is private and will not be used for anything but communication regarding this tourney. If you have any questions, please click the link at the bottom of the page to email me.

What is your character's name?

What is your character's Title?

What is your character's motto/warcry?

What city do you call home?

What clan are you a member of?

What beast do you consider to be your animal totem?

What is your total class level?

Which bracket do you wish to enter?

name your patron deity.

What is your race?
Minotaur Dracon Human Ogre Elf Drow Half-Elf Halfling Dwarf Gnome Sidhe Fey
What are your classes?
Cavalier Barbarian Paladin Valkyrie Ranger Wizard Psion Druid Shaman Priest Monk Bard Rogue
What accompplishments/past tournament placings should I know about?

E-mail address?

Mail a parchment to Weeble

When sending email include the words "Tourney" in the subject.