Blood Soaked Earth
Tournament Rules


The Mark Of Weeble
Tournament Rules
PK Tournament Calendar
Odds and Ends

Be ye strong of mind, body and soul?

The way the contest will be run is very simple (as is this lame attempt at a website).
Entrance to Tournament
Submissions for the tournament scheduled to commence April 21th will be accepted up until 7 days before the start of the tourney. I MUST receive your returned form no later than 3 days before the start of the tournament. Please note that submissions will be accepted begining 21 days before the start of the tournament, April 1st, 2003. If you are not at the top of your class (ie level 60, 120, 180, hero, archon) then make sure you do not level past your bracket! This is to ensure that we have as many people as possible joining in the tournament.
Entrance Fees
The entrance fee for each contestant is set at the following rates:
First Class-------50,000 Gold
Second Class----75,000 Gold
Third Class-----100,000 Gold
Fourth Class----125,000 Gold
Archon---------150,000 Gold
Multiple Entries
You may enter multiple characters in different brackets.
Determining winners.
PK will take place in the challenge arena. Before you challenge another player, make sure you receive the blessings of any Kindred Member (clan list 96) If they are busy or afk, you must wait until they have a moment to oversee your fight. Remember, they are doing YOU a favor. The preliminaries will all take place over the challenge arena. Once we get into the finals, the fighting will take place in Weeble's Battle Arena in the city of Rune. The finals will be fought when I am on so that I may oversee the best warriors in Alyria.
The total time to complete the tournament will vary based on how quickly we can get the brackets to finals, in no case will the total tournament extend past 10 days. I will post deadlines to finish up your brackets on this website and they must be adhered to.
General Rules
You will be allowed any and all means of skill/spell/item that it takes to decimate your opponent. If you and your opponent wish to outlaw certain things during your fight (silence, frag spells, herbs) that is up to the two of you and I will not referee arguments over this, except for the finals.
I ask that when you meet in the challenge arena that you allow each other to fully heal before combat begins (important for lower level players) This is a common courtesy.
If you have any questions as to the rules, please email me

Contact the Battle Master
